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Monday to Friday


The Alti-Listes system allows the various schools of the school boards to prepare, approve and publish the list of school effects that parents will need to acquire for the new school year. In addition, a self-service portal allows parents to consult and print out the list of school supplies according to the level and school attended by their child.

In this way, each Primary and Secondary level will be able to carry out the various steps involved in preparing, approving and publishing the list. What's more, each teacher will be able to create their own private list of school items for personal use.

In general:

  • 100% Web-based:
    • Accessible from anywhere, with nothing to install and simplified support, a self-service portal is available to school principals
    • Also available on mobile devices
    • Adaptive interface
  • 100% LDAP authentification (AD and NDS), SSO and HTTPS
  • Unlimited number of users for a single price
  • Alti-Listes is intended to be quite configurable and customizable, including a flexible and total management of all labelsas well as most of the major database entities :
    • Users
    • Buildings
      • Address
      • Phone numbers
      • Emails
      • Logo
    • Subjects
    • Catalog (Categories and items)
    • School years (start, end and cut-off dates)
    • Name of the lists of school effects (public and private)
  • ... and selection lists
  • The configuration also extends to :
    • To email notification messages
    • Various management staff (school principals, assistant school principals and secretaries)
    • Definition of one or more delegates responsible for public lists
  • Other integrated features include :
    • Manage user access rights and profiles
    • Advanced research
    • Export to PDF
    • Importing the school effects catalog template (.xls)
    • Automatic archiving of old school effects lists.
    • Possibility of starting from previous year's lists of school effects instead of from scratch.
  • Fast deployment: Less than two (2) hours to install and two (2) hours to train
  • Action logging and data history : we always know who modified what!

For school principals :

  • Creation/Approval of school effects list: Allows to create lists of school effects by grade for publication on the self-service portal, and to define delegates responsible for each list. These delegates will only see the lists for their buildings (schools).
  • Approval of the school effects list:  
    • Allows to approve a list of school effects for publication on the self-service portal
    • Enables a global message to be put about the reason for refusal
    • Enables a rejection message to be displayed for each non-compliant item
  • Reception of email notifications:
    • When a list of school effects is created by management.
    • When defining the delegate teachers
    • When approving or refusing (in whole or in part) the list of school effects

For teachers :

  • As a delegate responsible for a list, a teacher will be responsible for creating, maintaining and correcting the list of school effects assigned to them.
  • Each teacher will be able to draw up their own private list of school effects for personal use, which will not be submitted for approval.

For the public (parents):

  • Public portal on the School Board website to allow parents to consult and print the list of school effects by grade and school attended by their child..